The Third Development Policy Operation (DPO-3) is the third in a series of three programmatic development policy operations to support Government's policy
reform program to (i) mitigate the impact of the economic downturn in the short-term; and (ii) facilitate recovery and prepare Georgia for post-crisis growth
in the medium-term. DPO-3 emphasizes the second objective, to sustain the economic recovery and prepare the conditions for post-crisis growth. In addition to
a satisfactory macroeconomic and fiscal framework, the main policy areas supported are: (i) improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public finances;
(ii) improving the effectiveness of the social safety net; and (iii) improving external competitiveness.
World Bank.Author: Khan,Faruk.Document Date: 2011/12/05.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR4872