The objective of the National Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Azerbaijan is to improve the availability, quality, reliability, and sustainability of
water supply and sanitation services in 20 of Azerbaijan's regional (rayon) centers. The changes are: (i) revising the Project Development Objective (PDO);
(ii) reducing the number of Azerbaijan's regional (rayon) centers benefitting from investments in component A.1 given increased costs and expanded
investments in each rayon; (iii) eliminating the State Amelioration and Water Management Agency of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (SAWMA) as an implementing agency and dropping all activities supporting it (components A.2, C2, and D2); (iv) cancelling $22.42 million due to misprocurement of two contracts managed by SAWMA; (v) dropping component C.3, strengthening the tariff council, and C.4, review and Improvement of selected technical standards; (vi) revising the definition of incremental operating costs; (vii) reallocating project costs to reflect cancellation and other changes; (viii) revising the results framework to reflect changes and improve the monitoring indicators; (ix) eliminating financial covenants on collected revenues and operating expenses for Azersu; and (x) extending the closing date to February 28, 2013.
World Bank.Document Date: 2011/10/26.Document Type: Project Paper.Report Number:59683.Volume No: 1 of 1