Monday, November 14, 2011

Trinidad and Tobago.TT-T1025 : Support the enhancement of the education strategy

After the national general elections in 2010, as part of the newly installed Government¿s mandate, the Ministry of Education (MOE) undertook a re-visioning exercise, which led to the development of a new MOE Strategy and transformation initiative.

The transformation initiative will guide the work of the Ministry over the medium to long-term and is expected to lead to more focused and streamlined services within the education sector. The MOE is keen on advancing its transformation initiative in support of the achievement of its vision for the children of Trinidad and Tobago.

This entails the implementation and operationalization of its strategic plans and defined projects, complemented by solid monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to measure the results and impact. In order to fully realize the vision guiding the MOE transformation initiative, further research and understanding is required. One of the critical areas within the MOE Strategy is the ongoing Government¿s priority to modernize the education sector, as demonstrated by the Government¿s commitment to improve the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in schools.

In 2010 the current administration implemented a one-to-one laptop program, which offers a personal laptop computer to all incoming secondary students. Significant strides have also been documented in past programs leading to increases in student ICT competency. Student scores in technology education exams increased from 20% in 2000 to 55% in 2011. Teacher use of technology in the classroom increased from 42.6% to 78.5%.

However, to maximize the potential benefits of this initiative a comprehensive ICT for Education strategy is required, as well as ongoing teacher training to enhance classroom education through ICT-based learning.The MOE has requested IDB support to conduct the necessary research and analysis to develop further clarity and understanding of the requirements for a comprehensive, education system progressing seamlessly towards the achievement of the MOE¿s Vision for the Children of Trinidad and Tobago.

In this regard, a KCP is being pursued to support the Ministry in conducting the required research that will further enhance the MOE Strategy; design and develop a new ICT for Education strategy; and improve the MOE¿s capabilities in research and development. Considering the importance of gender issues in the region, the research will also incorporate a gender perspective. The KCP is expected to inform and lead to new operations in the sector.

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