The high rate of urbanization is exerting immense pressure on urban environment. The municipalities often do not have sufficient expertise and resources to deal with the rapid growth. With the enactment of the Local Self-Governance Act, 1999, municipalities have been given many responsibilities but there have not been adequate measures to enhance their capacities.
As a result, many cities are facing environmental problems such as inadequate basic physical infrastructure, solid waste management, air pollution, and wastewater management, and with continued growth, the problems of urban poverty and informal settlements are also growing. Municipalities also lack adequate financial resources to provide basic urban services.
This process is reshaping Nepal‘s economic and human geography. At the same time, Nepal wishes to strengthen the decentralization/devolution and local governance.
In the given context, the GON has requested the World Bank‘s assistance in the urban sector, particularly in secondary towns. GON is in the process of preparing Urban Governance and Development Program (UGDP) under the funding support from the World Bank. The program aims to build the capacity of selected municipalities to plan and implement basic infrastructure that will lead to increased economic opportunities and improved services for their residents.
Draft Report of Environmental Management Framework for Urban Governance and Development Program (UGDP) Submitted By: Salil Devkota.Environment Consultant.Submitted To:Department of Urban Development and Building Construction.Babarmahal, Kathmandu.Nepal.February 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized
Amendments to Agreement for MDTF Grant TF091192 Conformed