BH-T1024: Strengthening Social Protection Programs in The Bahamas. IDB. This TC will support a series of diagnostic studies of the effects of the financial crisis on Bahamas' social sector (social protection, health, nutrition, early childhood development, labor programs, remittances, targeting, public expenditure review) to generate knowledge and improve social programs and policy decision-making for the most vulnerable groups. It will also conduct feasibility studies for a potential CCT program.
Public Expenditures Management (RE).Approval Date 04-JAN-2012. Major Sector (Sector) (%) Public Administration, Law, and Justice (Central government administration) (100%),Themes (%) Other public sector governance (20%).Public expenditure, financial management and procurement (60%)
Dominican Republic. Comparing regulation for domestic firms in 183 economies. This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Germany. To allow useful comparison, it also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2011 (except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January- December 2010). The data not only highlight the extent of obstacles to doing business; they also help identify the source of those obstacles, supporting policy makers in designing regulatory reform.
DR-L1042: Petrox North Coast Terminal: Construction and operation of an 11 tanks, 543 kilo barrel (kB) liquid fuel storage terminal located on the north coast of the Dominican Republic in the Puerto Plata region
Municipal Development Project: P095863-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 05. Improve the technical and financial capacity of the Participating Municipalities to program, finance and deliver Minimum Municipality Services. This would be achieved through the provision of: (i) technical assistance in core municipal management functions, such as participatory planning and budgeting, procurement, financial and human resource management; and (ii) matching grants for investment sub-projects identified in the Municipal Development Plan. World Bank. Author: Tuchschneider,David; Document Date:2011/12/28. Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR5587
Public Expenditures Management (RE).Approval Date 04-JAN-2012. Major Sector (Sector) (%) Public Administration, Law, and Justice (Central government administration) (100%),Themes (%) Other public sector governance (20%).Public expenditure, financial management and procurement (60%)
Dominican Republic. Comparing regulation for domestic firms in 183 economies. This economy profile presents the Doing Business indicators for Germany. To allow useful comparison, it also provides data for other selected economies (comparator economies) for each indicator. The data in this report are current as of June 1, 2011 (except for the paying taxes indicators, which cover the period January- December 2010). The data not only highlight the extent of obstacles to doing business; they also help identify the source of those obstacles, supporting policy makers in designing regulatory reform.
DR-L1042: Petrox North Coast Terminal: Construction and operation of an 11 tanks, 543 kilo barrel (kB) liquid fuel storage terminal located on the north coast of the Dominican Republic in the Puerto Plata region
Municipal Development Project: P095863-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 05. Improve the technical and financial capacity of the Participating Municipalities to program, finance and deliver Minimum Municipality Services. This would be achieved through the provision of: (i) technical assistance in core municipal management functions, such as participatory planning and budgeting, procurement, financial and human resource management; and (ii) matching grants for investment sub-projects identified in the Municipal Development Plan. World Bank. Author: Tuchschneider,David; Document Date:2011/12/28. Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR5587
DO Electricity Distribution Rehabilitation Project: P089866-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 08.The Project development objective is to (a) increase the Cash Recovery Index of the three electricity distribution companies and (b) improve the quality of electricity service. World Bank.Author: Reinstein,David.Document Date:2011/12/25.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR4680
Amendment to Agreement for Loan 7546-DO Conformed.Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Projec.World Bank.Author:Altimari Montiel,Fabiola. Document Date: 2010/11/04.Document Type: Agreement
Water and Sanitation in Tourist Areas: P054221-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 06.The objectives of the first phase of the proposed APL (the Project, APL I) are: (i) strengthening and consolidating the policy framework of the water and sanitation sector in the Dominican Republic; (ii) improving and expanding access to sanitation and wastewater treatment and disposal services in the Puerto Plata region; (iii) improving the financial and operational performance of CORAAPLATA, the regions water utility; and (iv) enhancing operational and commercial performance of other regional utilities and preparing them to participate in the second phase of the Program (APL II). World Bank. Author:Debomy,Sylvie.Document Date:2011/12/20.Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR537
Strengthening of the Asociación Popular de Ahorro y Crédito (APAP) for the Smal.The project aims to contribute to deepen the market of financial services oriented to the small enterprise (EP) financing expansion in the Dominican Republic. Its intention is to straighten the institutional capacity of the Asociación Popular de Ahorro y Crédito (APAP) to attend the EP segment with suitable and agile products that respond to the demand and market opportunity.
GY-T1078: Support for Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Project. This proposed TC will finance the preparation of Technical Designs, Bidding Documents, and Environmental and Social Analysis and Management Plans for extension of the four lane section of the EDBR from Diamond/Grove. The works to be designed would be implemented under GY-L 1031 and include road widening, widening or reconstruction of bridges and culverts, construction of parking lanes and sidewalks in urban segments and other safety related works along 10km of the corridor. An environmental and social analysis would be prepared and plans designed to mitigate the identified negative effects.
GY-T1081: Expansion of Preinvestment Program for Georgetown-Lethem Highway.The operation will support the preparation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Georgetown to Lethem Road.GY-T1078: Support for Road Network Upgrade and Expansion Project. This proposed TC will finance the preparation of Technical Designs, Bidding Documents, and Environmental and Social Analysis and Management Plans for extension of the four lane section of the EDBR from Diamond/Grove. The works to be designed would be implemented under GY-L 1031 and include road widening, widening or reconstruction of bridges and culverts, construction of parking lanes and sidewalks in urban segments and other safety related works along 10km of the corridor. An environmental and social analysis would be prepared and plans designed to mitigate the identified negative effects.
HA-T1152: Study Tour by the Sports for Development Steering Committee to Colombia. This Study Tour will contribute to the transfer of know-how and experiences between institutions in a Bank member country, which has developed and implemented innovative educational programs based on sports, and Haitian institutions and stakeholders which are now undertaking similar initiatives.
HA-G1026: Support to the Implementation of Education Plan and Reform in Haiti. The co-financing resources will be used to provide additional financing to finance the component of technical and vocational eEducation and training (TVET) activities, including the development and implementation of a national policy concerning TVET.
HA-T1170: Micro-enterprises in Road Maintenance: the Bolivian Experience. The pilot program of ongoing maintenance envisages involving local populations in taking charge of the permanent ongoing maintenance by creating micro enterprises with a legal identity, accrediting them to set up contracts with the Haitian government through the MTPTEC. These micro-businesses will be accompanied during their training by qualified managers from the ECU. Small businesses will be accorded investments in equipment, which will to be reimbursed through the first(s) contract(s) obtained
HA-T1169.Tourism Technical Study Tour to Brazil.The Government of Haiti (GoH) is promoting tourism as an economic activity that can contribute to the economic recovery of the country after the earthquake of last January 12th, 2010 (Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti, March 2010). The Action Plan sees tourism as a key sector, together with agriculture, textiles and housing, in a diversified set of investments intended to invigorate three development centers, among them, the North (axis from Cap Haitien to Ouanaminthe). The Bank envisages tourism as an important sector integral to the development of the northern pole. Given the existence of strong fundamentals for the tourism sector to flourish in the North, (historic sites, beaches, easy access for international tourists), working with local enterprises to develop and implement a concerted tourism strategy approach to validate a more concerted approach to tourism is crucial. Consequently, in order to support the GOH in this endeavor, a Study Tour to Brazil, one of the countries that have ample and good experience with similar projects, is planned.
HA-L1072. Affordable Insurance Coverage. IDB is proposing to participate in a multi-investor recapitalization package, with a subordinated loan of up to US$ 2 million and a tenor of up to 5 years. Additional funding in the form of equity for a total of US$ 5.5 million is expected to be contributed from current shareholders of AIC and new investors, totaling a package of up to US$ 7.5 million.
HA-M1042.Strengthening the Coffee Value Chain.The general objective is to help enhance the competitive position and sustainability of the coffee sub sector in Haiti. Specifically, the project aims to achieve a sustainable increase the volume and quality of coffee produced and to strengthen the management capacity of institutions in the sector.
JA-G1001: Integrated Management of the Yallahs-Hope Watershed Management Area.The objective of this project is to reduce pressure on natural resources in the Yallahs River and Hope River Watersheds of the Blue Mountains by increasing the practice of SLM resulting in improved management of Biological Diversity and enhanced flow of ecosystem services that sustain local livelihoods. The activities financed under this project include: i) Institutional strengthening & capacity building for integrating biodiversity into watershed management, ii)Creating economic & financial incentives to support sustainable biodiversity & watershed management; iii) Improving community awareness, sensitivity and understanding of SLM techniques and iv) Implementing Sustainable Livelihoods, Agriculture, Forestry & Land Management practices in watershed communities.JA-T1069: Preparation for KMA Water Supply Improvement Project. IDB.The TC will have two components: 1) Institutional Strengthening for the National Water Commission. The specific purpose of the project is the strengthening of the institutional capability of the NWC to ensure that it can achieve its mandate. The aim of the project is to identify the areas critical to NWC's success, perform the necessary performance gap analysis and diagnosis, prescribing the required solutions, developing an action plan and supporting the implementation of the action plan.2) Master plan for rural water supply:The specific objective of the project is to design a full master plan that will include at least: a database of all existing systems and the proposed systems, identification of the areas that do not have a water supply system, preliminary assessments and alternatives for the supply of water to the areas not served or poorly served, and a strategy, priority ranking and time line for the implementation of solutions.
2nd. Programmatic Debt and Fiscal Sustainability Development Policy Loan : P123241 - Implementation Status Results Report : Sequence 01.Enhancing fiscal and debt sustainability, by supporting reforms to increase control on public spending and debt generation, reduce debt service burden and improve debt management, reduce financial vulnerabilities, and increase public spending effectiveness World Bank. Author:Medvedev,Denis; Document Date:2011/12/19.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5218
JM Inner City Basic Services for the Poor Project: P091299-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 11. The project development objective is to improve quality of life in 12 Jamaican inner-city areas and poor urban informal settlements through improved access to basic urban infrastructure, financial services, land tenure regularization, enhanced community capacity and improvements in public safety.
Jamaica Conditional Cash Transfer Program. P121563-Implementation Status Results Report: Sequence 01. The objective of the JSDF Grant is to improve the livelihood of about 10,000 poor and vulnerable elderly and disabled persons affected by the food, fuel and financial crisis, through cash transfers and improved outreach of the PATH Programme. World Bank. Author: Lamanna,Francesca.Document Date: 2011/12/17. Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR4765
TT-L1017: CariSal Unlimited. CariSal Unlimited is a special purpose company founded in 2005 for the construction and operation of a chemical complex in Trinidad and Tobago which will produce caustic soda, calcium chloride, hydrochloric acid and sodium hypochlorite. The plant will be the second largest dry calcium chloride plant in the Western Hemisphere and the largest caustic soda plant in the West Indies.