This ESW will provide empirical evidence to inform health policies and strategies regarding: i) the balance between preventive and curative care; ii) the use of standards based on international experiences to guide the development of infrastructure and human resources with a focus on preventive care; iii) the use of benchmarks to monitor health care quality, also with a focus on preventive care.
This will help formulate new strategic and policy documents and promote evidence-based policy-making. The preparation and discussion of the reports and technical notes prepared by this ESW is expected to lead the country to consider the support of IDB to implement the relevant activities to scale-up at the national level preventative care programs. To provide preventive care to its affiliates, IMSS created in 2002 a strategic program named PREVENIMSS.
The program includes a set of actions for health promotion; nutrition monitoring; the prevention, early detection and control of diseases and reproductive health. It encompasses five sub-programs according to sex and age groups: under 10 years, 10-19 years, 20-59 years for men and for women, and adults 60 years and older. An evaluation of the program almost a decade after its launch will serve not only to improve the operation of the program as it is currently designed, but also to inform potential further improvements in its design.
The impact evaluation of the program will help to guide the future course of the program by identifying good practices and opportunity areas. In addition, this ESW will be an excellent tool for the incoming administration as it will provide objective evidence on the benefits of preventive care, with which the health sector could trace its strategy of health care.
IBD.ME-T1182 : Evaluation of IMSS preventive health care program