Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ethiopia.Second Electricity Access Rural Expansion Project

Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

World Bank.Document Date: 2011/11/01.Document Type:  Procurement Plan.Report Number:65873.Volume No: 1 of 1

Ethiopia - Second Electricity Access Rural Expansion Project : procurement plan

The main objective of the GPOBA project is to increase access to electricity in rural towns and villages with grid-access, by assisting EEPCo in its connection fee financing program, extending loan tenors of five years to poor household customers. In addition, the GPOBA grant will finance two energy efficient Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) for poor households (hhs). Those CFLs will be delivered as part of the connection package to both ensure an affordable bill for hhs and promote energy efficiency. The increased access to electricity will improve the quality of life, enhance educational services, and provide incomegenerating opportunities.

World Bank.Author: Golumbeanu,Raluca Georgiana.Document Date:  2011/12/03.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR4865
