Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chile.Third Tertiary Education Finance for Results Project:indigenous peoples

The objective of the Third Tertiary Education Finance for Results Project for Chile is to improve quality, efficiency, and relevance of Chilean tertiary education by strengthening the link between funding and accountability for performance.

Some of the negative and mitigation measures include: a) proportionally, there are more indigenous students in secondary education on the vocational track than there are in the science and humanities track, which makes them less prepared for tertiary education and tends to accelerate their entry into the labor market; b) compared with non-indigenous people, indigenous people receive a large share of the benefits and scholarships awarded by the Government.

When benefits are conditioned on socioeconomic status and PSU score, however, indigenous students from the lower quintiles profit while those from the higher quintiles do not. This is because the PSU requirements are greater for higher quintiles, and the indigenous population typically has lower scores than non-indigenous; and c) poverty and rural life can largely explain tertiary education access issues.

When these two factors are controlled, the variation compared to non-indigenous population is smaller.

World Bank.Document Date: 2011/11/14.Document Type:Indigenous Peoples Plan.Report Number:IPP532.Volume No:1 of 1