Thursday, January 12, 2012

Asia Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Innovations Technical Assistance

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved the following technical assistance project.The project will provide an integrated process to increase understanding and application of modern, innovative methods for measuring and evaluating poverty by policymakers in ADB’s Developing Member Countries. The project will include hands-on training, an international conference to exchange results on evaluation methods, and competitively-awarded innovation evaluation grants for member countries to use to deepen impact evaluation on poverty projects.

The TA will improve DMC ability to measure, evaluate, and replicate access to finance and other related poverty reduction efforts by increasing understanding and application of randomized control trials and other modern evaluation techniques. The TA will achieve this result in three ways. First, it will introduce new evaluation techniques to DMC officials and academics in a short, practical training course, with information on how to apply the results to improve policy and practice. Second, the TA will run a three day international conference, where practitioners and researchers from around the globe will present the latest evaluation results of projects in financial access and poverty reduction to policymakers. Gender impact will be an essential aspect of the presentations. Finally, an evaluation implementation grants program to be awarded at the end of the conference will facilitate evaluation benefits and capacity building for DMCs

Project Number:45292- 01


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