Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Peru. Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Fiscal Decentralization Technical Assistance

Ratings for the Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Fiscal Decentralization Technical Assistance Project for Peru were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was also moderately satisfactory.

Some lessons learned included: guaranteeing country's ownership of a realistic results framework could facilitate its use as management tool. This project highlights the trade-off between having clarity of purpose and allowing sufficient flexibility to cope with rapidly changing circumstances. Being realistic about the time required to implement technical assistance-related projects might render better results.

Validating the assessment of risks throughout the life of the project might facilitate implementation. Implementing a project with multiple sub-executing units might impose additional challenges to outcome delivery. Addressing actual managerial and technical capacities in Peru remains critical for a successful decentralization.

Document Date:2011/03/21.Document Type:Implementation Completion and Results.Report Number:ICR1841.Volume No: 1 of 1 
Peru. Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Fiscal Decentralization Technical Assistance