Monday, November 21, 2011

Paraguay.Tupi Cement Proyect

The project entails the design, development, construction and operation of a cement plant, as well as production and commercialization of cement. The Project sponsors are: InterCement Brasil S.A. (35%), Votorantim Cimentos Ltda. (35%) and Concret Mix S.A. (30%). The Sponsors are already present in the Paraguayan market through Yguazú Cementos S.A., a cement import company that supplied Paraguay with 10% of its cement needs in 2010.

The Project involves an initial production of approximately 300,000 tons of clinker p.a. and approximately 400,000 tons of cement p.a. The Project includes quarrying infrastructure for extracting and crushing limestone at Itapucumi, north of Asunción on the Paraguay River, and a port enabling transportation of the raw materials by barge. The clinker kiln, grinding mill, and bagging facility will be located in Villa Hayes, 40 km from Asunción on the Paraguay River.