Monday, November 21, 2011

Latin America: Institutional Capacity Strengthening Visiting Research Fellows Program

The factors that affect any institutional development are numerous and the relationship among them intricate and difficult to simplify. Scholars have advanced many theories and approaches to identify these factors and to explain the relationships among them.

Through their work, knowledge of institutions has substantially increased, and theories of institutional development have emerged. However, more work is needed to empirically test existing theories on determinants of institutional development, propose and empirically test new ones, and develop theoretical models to explain how institutional development can be attained. The challenges are not only of analytical nature.

Once the theoretical and empirical analysis has been tackled, an appropriate solution must be devised that enables implementing successfully the capacity strengthening agenda.Summarizing, more and better research along a more systematic implementation of best practices and continuous feedback from the operations to the research would greatly improve the chances that the Bank becomes a major player in the field of institutional strengthening.