Monday, November 14, 2011

The "car of the future" on agenda when car makers meet standards makers

How international standards can support the development of "the car of the future" and the intelligent transport systems that will support it will be among the main items on the agenda at the next Fully Networked Car workshop.
The seventh edition of the workshop will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 7-8 March 2012 at the Geneva International Motor Show. The workshop is organized every year at the Geneva show by the World Standards Cooperation (WSC), a partnership comprising the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and the International Union of Telecommunication (ITU).
The Fully Networked Car workshop is a unique opportunity for the automotive industry to engage with the three organizations and discuss needs and priorities for international standards in coming years.It will bring together key players involved in the development of technologies and standards, as well as other major industry representatives.
The workshop will provide a forum for strategic discussions between IEC, ISO and ITU in this area to continue. In addition, through a series of roundtable panels and discussions, it will explore a number of related topics, including but not limited to
  • Electric vehicles and electromobility
  • Regional perspectives on intelligent transport systems (ITS)
  • Safety
  • ITS communications
  • The car of the future.

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