Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bangladesh Social Investment Program Project

Ratings for the Social Investment Program Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was moderate, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was also satisfactory. 

Some lessons learned included: integration and interaction of all levels as well as horizontal and vertical learning and experience sharing from similar operations within and outside the country, provide critical leverage to build and deliver more meaningful and inclusive programs.

The sustainability of the strengthened primary institutions will be further addressed by transcending the village boundaries through networking, federating and strategizing second generation issues. 

In order to achieve all these, strong ongoing technical support from the Bank, field presence of task team leader (TTL), managing to constantly raise and deepen the dialogue on the performance benchmarks and keeping the central agencies fully briefed are essential. 

A successful Community Driven Development (CDD) operation involves innovative, community-friendly tools that reach the hard core poor and poor and empower women. 

This includes, though is not limited to the following: a participatory targeting methodology to ensure ownership of the operation by the beneficiaries and prevents elite capture of its benefits; user-friendly community operational manuals developed with participation of the community to help internalize the rules and guidelines of the approach, and develop a shared understanding among community leaders, members of the community institutions and facilitating staff; a successful community financing model to provide new opportunities for improved access of the hard core poor and poor, including women to financial services; a proper social auditing mechanism, governance and accountability action plan and community assessment mechanism, to ensure improved governance, downward accountability and transparency of the operation; and an independent and effective process monitoring system as a permanent checking and informing mechanism in order to ensure timely addressing of impediments as well as learning.

World Bank. Document Date: 2011/12/21.Document Type:Implementation Completion and Results Report.Report Number:ICR2089

For more information about Projects in Bangladesh see Southern Asia Projects


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