This Medium-Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2011–2014, embracing the theme ‘Innovation for Lasting Prosperity’ outlines Government’s perspective and intent on the socio-economic transformation that needs to take place in order to achieve our commitment to the people of Trinidad and Tobago of ‘Prosperity for All’. It is intended to be the first of the MTPFs to be articulated by this Government.
Within the context of the seven (7) development pillars articulated by the Government, the main thrusts of this MTPF are:
• To diversify and deepen the production base in order to ensure that in a context of depleting energy resources, the economy will continue to grow and sustain a high standard of living
• To move the economy up the value chain, improve competitiveness and expand investment both local and foreign
• To have a secure and safe nation and to strengthen the framework, institutions and infrastructure to support human security
• To expand the capacity of our citizens for knowledge accumulation and use, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial activity
• To reduce socio-economic and regional inequalities within our borders, move people out of poverty and promote social inclusion through more meaningful economic participation
As the first overarching planning document of the new Administration, the opportunity has been taken in Part I to articulate in some detail the broad strategic direction being taken to restructure and transform the economy and the society; and the policy shifts that are necessarily being engineered to ensure that there is a decisive departure from past attempts at managing our development. This is in keeping with our understanding of the expectations of our citizens as well as in keeping with our commitment to them to lead and effect change.
This policy framework is a landmark achievement as it represents the first time any attempt has been made to integrate and articulate Government’s approach to development on the basis of shared priorities and cross cutting interventions. It represents a departure from the independent approach of State entities which results in the creation of silos. This framework encourages greater collaboration and the establishment of functional relationships among Ministries and agencies in an attempt to achieve greater coherence and effectiveness in implementing Government’s development objectives. Moreover, it provides clarity on Government’s objectives, which is beneficial for all stakeholders.
In setting five (5) priorities for action over the next three (3) years, the Government is effectively responding to some of the major concerns of the population while, at the same time, setting the foundations for achieving sustainable economic and social advancement of all citizens in the future. The priorities as elaborated in Part II of this MTPF are:
1. Crime and Law and Order;
2. Agriculture and Food Security;
3. Health Care Services and Hospitals;
4. Economic Growth, Job Creation, Competitiveness and Innovation; and
5. Poverty Reduction and Human Capital Development.
A final chapter outlines the role of the key stakeholders and the new institutional arrangements that have been put in place to guide and manage the development process. The Appendices identify the main projects in the 2011/2012 Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) that are aligned to the five (5) priorities for action over the planning horizon and the specific priorities of each Ministry.