Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pakistan.Malakand Rural Development Project

Among the government’s strategic objectives at the time of project approval were poverty reduction and human resource development. Regional and area development projects targeting less developed areas were the main approaches to reducing rural poverty. The 1995 country operational strategy of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) specified sustained economic growth and simultaneous poverty reduction as objectives of ADB assistance to Pakistan.3 The strategy also emphasized human resource development, with particular focus on women, and enhanced productivity of natural resources.

According to the revised project framework in the RRP, the project was expected to (i) raise the per capita income of the project area beneficiaries to attain or exceed the poverty line, and (ii) improve the human resource and income-generating potential of women in the project area. The framework did not directly mention specific baselines and targets for the expected impact.

Asian Development Bank.Reference Number: PCV: PAK 2011-43.Project Number: 29603.Loan Number: 1672-PAK(SF).November 2011. Pakistan: Malakand Rural Development Project
