Health literacy is the degree to which individuals can obtain, process, and
understand the basic health information and services they need to make
appropriate health decisions. According to Health Literacy: A Prescription to
End Confusion (IOM, 2004), nearly half of all American adults--90 million
people--have inadequate health literacy to navigate the healthcare system.
To address issues raised in that report, the Institute of Medicine convened
the Roundtable on Health Literacy, which brings together leaders from the
federal government, foundations, health plans, associations, and private
companies to discuss challenges facing health literacy practice and research and
to identify approaches to promote health literacy in both the public and private
sectors. On November 30, 2010, the roundtable cosponsored a workshop with the
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Anderson School of Management in
Los Angeles.
Improving Health Literacy Within a State serves as a summary of what
occurred at the workshop. The workshop focused on understanding what works to
improve health literacy across a state, including how various stakeholders have
a role in improving health literacy. The focus of the workshop was on
presentations and discussions that address (1) the clinical impacts of health
literacy improvement approaches; (2) economic outcomes of health literacy
implementation; and (3) how various stakeholders can affect health literacy.
Authors: Maria Hewitt, Rapporteur; Roundtable on Health
Literacy; Institute of Medicine
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