Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ghana.Public-Private Partnership Project:environmental and social management framework report

The objective of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project is to assist the Government of Ghana (GoG) to tackle the binding infrastructure constraints that hamper firm productivity and employment generating growth.

Negative impacts includes: air, water, and noise pollution; soil erosion; flooding; destruction of flora and fauna habitat; changes in biodiversity; spread of disease; micro climate changes; and agro chemical usage. Mitigation measures includes: 1) dispose of waste at district assembly approved waste dump Sites; 2) provide drums or containers for temporarily storage of spent or waste oil from vehicles and equipment; 3) reduce traffic speed on unpaved roads through communities and at project sites; 4) project sites should be boarded off from public view and ensure good house-keeping at construction sites; 5) avoid unnecessary exposure or access to sensitive habitat; 6) areas close to water bodies that are disturbed during construction activities should be rehabilitated as soon as possible; and 7) place notices and warning signs at working areas.

World Bank.Document Date:2011/11/09.Document Type:Environmental Assessment.Report Number:E2889.Volume No:1 of 1