Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Applications to Integrated Biosurveillance

After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and subsequent anthrax mailings, the U.S. government prioritized a biosurveillance strategy aimed at detecting, monitoring, and characterizing national security health threats in human and animal populations, food, water, agriculture, and the environment.

A variety of agencies share biosurveillance responsibilities, and efforts have been made to improve national biosurveillance through data exchanges and collaboration. However, gaps and challenges in biosurveillance efforts and integration of biosurveillance activities remain.

September 8-9, 2011, the IOM held a workshop to explore the information-sharing and collaboration processes needed for the nation’s integrated biosurveillance strategy. Presenters at the workshop

examined the strengths and limitations of different models of information analysis, control, and distribution;
considered examples and lessons learned from other similar information sharing collaborations;
explored approaches to developing an effective and sustainable concept of operations that includes join rules, procedures, and performance measures; and
illustrated the value added in collaboration through scenarios and real-life examples.
This document summarizes the workshop.

Deepali M.Patel and Steve Olson,Rapporteurs;Planning Committee on Information-Sharing Models and Guidelines for Collaboration: ; Institute of Medicine. Released: November 30, 2011.Type: Workshop Summary.Topic: Public Health. Activity: Information-Sharing Models and Guidelines for Collaboration:Applications to an Integrated One Health Biosurveillance Strategy – A Workshop.Board: Board on Health Sciences Policy
