RG-L1034: Regional Affordable Housing Fund. IDB.The transaction entails an A Loan or Guarantee - to be determined during due diligence - to a Fund to finance the development of housing real estate projects in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Costa Rica.

Protected Areas Consolidation and Administration: P092202-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 15. The global environmental objective of the proposed project is to conserve El Salvador's globally significant biodiversity bystrength e ning the national protected areas system and consolidating two priority protected areas. World Bank. Author:Corsi,Anna; Document Date:2011/12/28. Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5429.
ES-T1154:Support to reduce MN deficiency malnutrition in rural communities in El Salvador The project seeks support to reduce malnutrition by deficiency on micronutrient in children under 5 years, improving their ability to esist diseases and contribute to sustainable poverty reduction.Goal: Strengthen the Pounds of Love Program and scale it to 2 municipalities located in the west of the country to overcome chronic child malnutrition in children under 5 years, once established the Program in the west, will begin a pilot program in at least two municipalities in an eastern department in Morazan.
Education Quality Improvement Project. Project ID: P126364.The objective of the Education Quality Improvement Project for El Salvador is to improve access, retention and graduation rates for students in the lower secondary education and the upper secondary education of the Borrower's public schools adopting the Inclusive Full Time School (IFTS) model. Project has 2 components. (1) Adoption of the IFTS Model. This component will support the creation of appropriate teaching-learning conditions in selected schools to convert them to IFTSs. 2. Improvement of Ministry of Education Institutional Capacity and the Schooling System's Governance. This component will support the introduction of selected governance reforms at the central, departmental and cluster level.

GU-L1065 : Reducing the Majorities' Vulnerabilities-Banrural. IDB.The proposed project aims to expand the micro insurance product through the design, and development of a micro-line segments in the life and property for low-income rural population, with an installation capacity of 150 thousand and 200 thousand new policies microinsurance a year for the next 5 years of project implementation. The total estimated cost to run the project is U.S. $ 14 million. This amount will be invested in (a) conducting market surveys, (b) recruitment of consultants to define the strategy of development and expansion of product including product design actuarial, statistical design, product modeling, (c) training and training of the agents responsible for marketing the bank's policies: (d) acquisition of equipment and technology systems required to administer the products and (e) the organizational costs, installation, furniture, advertising and promotion.
PAT II Ayuda Memoria Julio 2011 Firmada.El  Banco  Mundial  lievo  a cabo  una misión  en  Guatemala  para  apoyar  la  ejecución  del Proyecto  de Administración  de Tierras  II (PAT II)  del 24al  29  do julio de  2011.  Durante  dicha misión so dio seguimiento  a los aspectos sociales, ambientales  y técnicos  del proyecto.  Esta  memoria resume  los resultados, recomendaciones  y  acuerdos  analizados durante  la misión. World Bank.Author:Pantoja,Enrique.Document Date:2011/12/05.Document Type: Aide Memoire-.
Loan Agreement for Loan 7988. GT Conformed. Emergency Support to Social Services Projec.The objective of the Project is to preserve health  and education services following severe flooding and other natural disasters that took place in the territory of the Borrower. World Bank.Author: Garrote,Jimena.Document Date:2011/12/16. Document Type:Loan Agreement.
LAND ADMINISTRATION II APL: P087106-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 12.The objective of the Project is to foster the process of achieving land tenure security in the project area through the provision of efficient and accessible  cadastral and land administration services in the project area. World Bank.Author: Pantoja,Enrique.Document Date:2011/12/21.Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report. Report Number:ISR4956
Fourth Amendment to the Loan Agreement for Loan 7169-GT Conformed. World Bank.Author: Garrote,Jimena.Document Date: 2011/11/07.Document Type:  Agreement
Second Rural and Main Roads Project. P055085. Author: Brushett,Stephen Jeremy.Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 23 Document Date: 2011/12/13.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR5285
Support to the implementation of the Comprehensive Security Policy. The resources of this operation will finance national and international consultancies, equipment and work for the development of the following activities: (i) specialized training in investigative techniques, criminology and legal frameworks to combat crime; (ii) curricular modernization of the police education system; (iii) adequacy, expansion and equipping of educational facilities; (iv) implementation of the Crime Report National System; (v) provision of facilities for criminal investigations; and (vi) review and update of protocols for inter-agency coordination and availability of standardized procedures between the SS and MP for investigative work; (vii) collection, geo-reference and analysis of crime,; and (viii) systematization and integration of the process for criminal investigation
Rural Competitiveness Project: P101209-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 09.  The Project Development Objective of COMRURAL is to contribute to increased productivity and competitiveness among organized rural small-scale producers through their participation in productive alliance. World Bank. Author:Collion,Marie-Helene. Document Date: 2011/12/28.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report. Report Number: ISR5023
HN Rural Infrastructure Project. P086775.Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project development objectives are (i) to improve access, quality and sustainability of infrastructure services (roads, water & sanitation, and electricity) for the rural poor in Honduras; and (ii) to develop capacities and enabling environment for locally-driven service provision and planning. Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 13. Author: Brushett,Stephen Jeremy.Document Date: 2011/12/16.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5173 
Financing Agreement for Credit 5021-HN Agreement dated December 7, 2011, entered into between REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS (“Recipient”) and INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (“Association”) for the purpose of providing financing in support of the Program (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement). The Association has decided to provide this financing on the basis, inter alia, of (a) the actions which the Recipient has already taken under the Program and which are described in Section I of Schedule 1 to this Agreement, and (b) the Recipient’s maintenance of an adequate macroeconomic policy framework. The Recipient and the Association therefore hereby agree as follows. World Bank.Author:Garrote,Jimena.Document Date: 2011/12/07. Document Type:  Financing Agreement
Financing Agreement for Credit 5020-HN. Conformed.FINANCING AGREEMENT.AGREEMENT dated December 7, 2011, entered into between the REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS (“Recipient”) and INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (“Association”). The Recipient and the Association hereby agree as follows:The objectives of the Project are to strengthen the management of public finances and to establish a more efficient, effective and transparent public procurement system through: (i) upgrading the public financial management system; (ii) upgrading the eprocurement platform; (iii) enhancing the internal control systems over personnel expenditures; and (iv) building capacity of the Central Administration. World Bank.Author:Garrote,Jimena.Document Date: 2011/12/07. Document Type:  Financing Agreement
Power Sector Efficiency Enhancement Project (PROMEF). P104034-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 06.The project development objective is to improve ENEE's operational and financial performance, thus contributing to the sustainability of the power sector in Honduras. Author: Yepez Garcia,Rigoberto.Document Date: 2011/12/10. Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5153
Forests and Rural Productivity Project. Ratings for the Forests and Rural Productivity Project for Honduras were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was moderately satisfactory; and borrower's performance was also moderately satisfactory. Some lessons learned include: there are inevitable complexities in pursuing objectives of poverty reduction and rural development through sustainable use of natural resources in a decentralized environment, through bottom-up processes. Effectively introducing and managing participatory processes requires a great deal of effort and attention on the part of the project. World Bank.Document Date: 2010/12/21. Document Type:  Implementation Completion and Results Report. Report Number:ICR1331
HO-L1085:Banco del Pais Subordinated Loan Subordinated loan of up to US$ 10 million and 10 years tenor to support SMEs.

Second Programmatic Upper Secondary Education Development Policy Loan. The proposed Development Policy Loan is the second in a programmatic series that supports the Government in the implementation of RIEMS to improve the internal efficiency of EMS and its responsiveness to the labor market. The programmatic series supports actions in the following three areas addressing the key constraints of the EMS system..Document Date: 2012/01/11.Document Type: Project Information Document.Report Number:AB6938

ME-L1106:Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Road Project.The project consists of a greenfield construction of part of Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido Toll-road, approx 135km. Key driver is tourism (road will be one lane each way). New road will cut time by more than half, to about 2.5 hours.
ME-T1182.Evaluation of IMSS preventive health care program. This ESW will provide empirical evidence to inform health policies and strategies regarding: i) the balance between preventive and curative care; ii) the use of standards based on international experiences to guide the development of infrastructure and human resources with a focus on preventive care; iii) the use of benchmarks to monitor health care quality, also with a focus on preventive care. This will help formulate new strategic and policy documents and promote evidence-based policy-making. The preparation and discussion of the reports and technical notes prepared by this ESW is expected to lead the country to consider the support of IDB to implement the relevant activities to scale-up at the national level preventative care programs.To provide preventive care to its affiliates, IMSS created in 2002 a strategic program named PREVENIMSS.
ME-M1071.Stimulating credit to microentreprenerus from Caja Popular Mexicana. The objective of the project is to contribute to the development of a solid supply of microfinance services in Mexico. The purpose of the project is to boost credit for low-income micro-entrepreneurs, by strengthening the operational and managerial capacities of the Caja Popular Mexicana to reach this segment. The project will help to introduce and strengthen microcredit policies and procedures within CPM's Credit Unit, to the improvement of individual microcredit product design and to the improvement of information systems for reporting and monitoring these products.

Second Amendment to the Disburesement Letter for Credit 4527-NI and IDA Grant H430-NI Conformed.I refer to the Financing Agreements (“Agreements”) between the International Development Association (“World Bank”), and the Republic of Nicaragua (the “Recipient”) for the above-referenced project, dated January 21, 2009. The Agreement provides that the World Bank may issue additional instructions regarding the withdrawal of the proceeds of Credit No.4527 (“Financing”) and the Grant No. 4300 (“Grant”). This letter (“Disbursement Letter”), replaces the original letter signed January 21, 2009 and amended May 10, 2011.Author: D'Amelj,Antonio Cristian.Document Date: 2011/12/15.Document Type: Agreement
NI-T1143: Public-private partnership exchange of experience in road infrastructure. Uruguay has been distinguished by successful public-private partnership (PPP) in the transport sector, the subsectores roads, ports and airports and at present has just approve a law on public-private partnership that broaden the scope of that type of instrument. Through the operation are looking for the public and private sector of Nicaragua take contact with the above experience and meet with the computers techs and authorities that have facing a new and very ambitious program of APPs, in order to get to know in depth the possibilities of the instrument aiming at the APP for the development of infrastructure.
Proyecto de Emergencia para la Recuperación del Huracán Félix. Credito 4392-NI.Misión de Revisión de Medio Término del Protecto.World Bank. Author: Pantoja,Enrique. Document Date: 2011/12/12.Document Type: Aide Memoire
Second Support to the Education Sector Project. The objective of the Project is to: (a) improve the students' retention rate in Primary Education Schools located in Participating Municipalities; and (b) strengthen MINED's education management capacity. Specifically, the Project would focus on 40 municipalities in six departments, and the two Atlantic Autonomous Regions (RAAS and RAAN). Project components are the following: Improving the Schools' Learning Environment; Improving the Quality of Teaching Methods; and Strengthening MINED's Education Management Capacity. World Bank. Document Date: 2011/12/07.Document Type: Project Appraisal Document Report Number: 64618.
Nicaragua Hurricane Felix Emergency Recovery Project: P108974-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 09.To support the sustainable recovery of the communities affected by Huricane Felix in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN) of Nicaragua.World Bank.Author:Pantoja,Enrique. Document Date: 2011/12/25.Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report Report Number:ISR5464
Sixth Amendment to the Credit Agreement for Credit 3760-NI Conformed. Re: NICARAGUA-Credit No. 3760-NI (Off Grid Rural Electrification Project-PERZA).Sixth Amendment to the Development Credit Agreement. World Bank.Author: D'Amelj,Antonio Cristian. Document Date:2011/11/02.Document Type:Agreement
Second Agricultural Technology Project: P087046.Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 16.The project development objective (PDO) is to provide rural households and communities with a broader access to sustainable agricultural, forestry and natural resource management services and innovations and to stimulate higher productivity. World Bank.Author: Garcia,Augusto; Document Date:2011/12/20.Document Type:Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR5289
Ayuda Memoria Mision de Julio 11-15, 2011 (PRODEP). Author:Pantoja,Enrique.Document Date: 2011/11/20.Document Type:Aide Memoire. Una misión del Banco Mundial se lleva a cabo del 11 al 15 de julio de 2011 para apoyar a la ejecución del Proyecto de Ordenamiento de la Propiedad (PRODEP). La misión tuvo como objetivo  principal dar seguimiento  y  apoyo  t6cnico  al fortalecimiento institucional, modernizaci6n de registros, levantamiento catastral y regularizaci6n, demarcación de áreas protegidas, y aspectos sociales y ambientales en general. El equipo de la misi6n estuvo integrado por Enrique Pantoja (Gerente del Proyecto), Augusto Garcia (Oficial de Operaciones), Marylisbeth GonzAlez (Especialista Social Sr.), Marco Zambrano (Consultor, Especialista en Salvaguardas Ambientales), Fernando Galeana (Especialista en Administraci6n de Tierras), Reina Zavala (Consultora, Especialista en Fortalecimiento Municipal), Alain Paz (Especialista en Catastro, PATH) y Margarita Argilello (Consultora, Operaciones y Coordinaci6n Institucional).Esta ayuda memoria resume los resultados, recomendaciones y acuerdos alcanzados durante la misión, y será divulgada públicamente
Second Phase Health Services Extension and Modernization Project.World Bank.Document Date: 2010/12/29.Document Type: Implementation Completion and Results Report.Report Number: ICR1577.Volume No:  1 of 1. Ratings for the Second Phase Health Services Extension and Modernization Project for Nicaragua were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was moderately satisfactory; borrower performance was also moderately satisfactory. Some lessons learned includes: the importance of surveillance and monitoring and evaluation should not be underestimated. Given the challenges associated with availability of data to monitor Project Development Objective (PDO) indicators and intermediate outcome indicators, the project could have had a stronger focus, including dedicated financial resources, to strengthen surveillance, monitoring and evaluation.
Rural Roads Infrastructure Improvement Project. The development objectives of the Rural Roads Infrastructure Improvement Project for Nicaragua are to (a) improve the access of the rural population living in the project areas to markets and social and administrative services through: (i) the carrying out of improvements in the recipient's road infrastructure; and (ii) the strengthening of Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure's (MTI's) institutional capacity for asset and disaster risk management; and (b) support the generation of short-term employment opportunities for the rural population living in the project areas. There are three components to the project. The first component is rural road improvements and maintenance. This component comprises carrying out of improvement works (such as cobblestone surfacing or any other viable surface replacement option acceptable to the Association) in selected rural roads, all within the existing right of way; and carrying out of periodic maintenance works (such as asphalt resurfacing) in selected road sections within the national trunk road network, all within the existing right of way. The second component is institutional development. This component comprises three sub-components: strengthening of MTI's institutional capacity; strengthening of Road Maintenance Fund (Fondo de Mantenimiento Vial) (FOMAV's) institutional capacity; and specific studies and designs. The third component is project management. This component comprises provision of support for project implementation, supervision and strengthening of MTI, through, inter alia: (i) the financing of consultant services; and (ii) the carrying out of evaluation studies to monitor the project's implementation. 

Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (PRASNICA):P106283. Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 09.Author:  Pena Pereira Weiss,Lilian.Document Date: 2011/12/17.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5180
Grant for Alternative Indigenous and Afro-Des. Agrof. Project in Nicaragua:P115882. Implementation Status Results Report : Sequence 01.Author:  Gonzalez,Mary Lisbeth.Document D07:53 p.m. 18/12/2011ate: 2011/12/09.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR4536
Second Support to the Education Sector Project PASEN 2. Major Sector (Sector) (%) Education (Primary education) (100%).Themes (%) Education for all (100%)   Environmental Category C.Bank Team Lead Drabble, Michael.Borrower/Recipient GOVERNEMENT OF NICARAGUA Implementing Agency MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
Land Administration: P056018. World Bank.Implementation Status Results Report: Sequence 23. Author:Pantoja,Enrique.Document Date:  2011/12/05.Document Type:  Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:  ISR4941

NI-T1138. Program to support microfinance and financial inclusion. The program aims to support the implementation of the Law on Microfinance in accordance with best practices, and developing a strategy for financial inclusion. For this purpose, support the development of regulations for supervision and regulation, corporate governance and transparency, also will support microfinance institutions that can both meet the requirements of the law and take advantage of its mopportunities

Health Equity and Performance Improvement Project: P106445-Implementation Status Results Report: Sequence 07. The Project Development Objectives of the proposed project are to: (i) increase access of targeted  underserved rural communities to quality basic health services known to help reduce under-five child mortality; and (ii) support the development of strategic planning, regulatory, and monitoring mechanisms known  to improve health system performance.World Bank. Author:Bonilla-Chacin,Maria Eugenia; Document Date: 2011/12/26 Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report. Report Number:ISR4655
Water Supply and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities: P082419-Implementation Status Results Report:Sequence 10.The Project Development Objective for this project is to increase access to sustainable water supply and sanitation services inparticipating communities. The specific objectives are to: 1. Enable participating households and communities in rural and poorurban areas to access water and sanitation services through innovative approaches geared to providing services on a sustainablebasis; 2. Initiate a policy dialogue under the leadership of MINSA and generating the knowledge basis for evidence-based decision making, with the long-term goal of strong institutions, a focus on beneficiaries and better coordination among stakeholders; 3. Improve sanitation and hygiene practices. World Bank.Author:Pena Pereira Weiss,Lilian. Document Date: 2011/12/19. Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number:ISR5381
Panamá Metro Agua. Misión de Supervisión Ayuda Memoria. Ciudad de Panamá, 17 al 21 de octubre de 2011.World Bank. Author: Delfieux,Charles.Document Date: 2011/12/06.Document Type: Aide Memoire
Metro Water and Sanitation Improvement Project:P119694.Implementation Status Results Report: Sequence 04  World Bank.Author: Michaud,David.Document Date: 2011/12/18.Document Type: Implementation Status and Results Report.Report Number: ISR5316
PN-L1083.Multibank TFFP LOAN under SCB Facility. This is a trade finance operation under the TFFP SCB facility. It will provide a co-loan to Multibank for use in its trade finance operations
PN-L1082.Tower Bank TFFP Loan under SCB Co-Lending Facility.This is a trade finance operation under the TFFP-SCB co-lending facility. It will provide a co-loan to Tower Bank to finance its international trade operations.
Ayuda Memoria Proyecto de Agua y Saneamiento en Panamá PASAP Misión de Supervisión. 27 de abril al 04 de mayo de 2011.Author:Pena Pereira Weiss,Lilian.Document Date: 2011/06/03.Document Type: Aide Memoire